Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Dar
Here are the simple conjugations of dar, a common Spanish verb that usually is translated as to give. English translations are given for convenience; in many situations, other translations may be possible. In addition to the conjugations listed below, the perfect tenses can be formed by combining the past participle dado with forms of haber, and progressive tenses can be formed by combining the gerund dando with forms of estar. Also note that Spanish pronouns listed below can usually be omitted but are included here for clarity. Irregular forms are shown in boldface. Infinitive (infinitivo): dar (to give) Gerund (gerundio): dando (giving) Participle (participio): dado (given) Present indicative (presente del indicativo): yo doy (I give), tà º das (you give), usted/à ©l/ella da (you give / he/she gives), nosotros/as damos (we give), vosotros/as daà s (you give), ustedes/ellos/ellas dan (you/they give) Preterite (pretà ©rito): yo di (I gave), tu diste (you gave), usted/à ©l/ella dio (you/he/she gave), nosotros/as dimos (we gave), vosotros/as disteis (you gave), ustedes/ellos/ellas dieron (you/they gave) Imperfect indicative (imperfecto del indicativo): yo daba (I used to give), tà º dabas (you used to give), usted/à ©l/ella daba (you/he/she used to give), nosotros/as dà ¡bamos (we used to give), vosotros/as dabais (you used to give), ustedes/ellos/ellas daban (you/they used to give) Future (el futuro): yo darà © (I will give), tà º darà ¡s (you will give), usted/à ©l/ella darà ¡ (you/she/she will give), nosotros/as daremos (we will give), vosotros/as darà ©is (you will give), ustedes/ellos/ellas darà ¡n (you/they will give) Conditional (condicional): yo darà a (I would give), tà º darà as (you would give), usted/à ©l/ella darà a (you/he/she would give), nosotros/as darà amos (we would give), vosotros/as darà ais (you would give), ustedes/ellos/ellas darà an (you/they would give) Present subjunctive (presente del subjuntivo): que yo dà © (that I give), que tà º des (that you give), que usted/à ©l/ella dà © (that you/he/she give), que nosotros/as demos (that we give), que vosotros/as deis (that you give), que ustedes/ellos/ellas den (that you/they give) Imperfect subjunctive (imperfecto del subjuntivo): que yo diera/diese (that I gave), que tà º dieras/dieses (that you gave), que usted/à ©l/ella diera/diese (that you/he/she gave), que nosotros/as dià ©ramos/dià ©semos (that we gave), que vosotros/as dierais/dieseis (that you gave), que ustedes/ellos/ellas dieran/diesen (that you/they gave) Imperative (imperativo): da tà º (give), no des tà º (dont give), dà © usted (give), demos nosotros/as (lets give), dad vosotros/as (give), no deis vosotros/as (dont give), den ustedes (give) Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Dar El dar es siempre una prueba de madurez. (Giving is always a gift of maturity. Infinitive.) He dado la vida por este equipo. I have given my life for this team. (Present perfect.) Nunca te doy la pelota. No es mi estilo y lo sabes. (I will never give you the ball. It isnt my style, and you know it.) Present indicative.) Los romanos dieron a los judà os en ese tiempo un autogobierno limitado. (The Romans at that time gave the Jews a limited self-government. Preterite.) Me daba apuro hablar de eso delante de mis padres. (I felt uncomfortable talking about that in front of my parents. Imperfect.) El asteroide nos darà ¡ un susto. (The asteroid will give us a scare. Future.) La madre dijo que le darà a un pulmà ³n a su hijo. (The mother said she would donate a lung to her son.à Conditional.) Es importante que des la informacià ³n correcta. (It is important that you provide the correct information. Present subjunctive.) Las aplicaciones maliciosas eran capaces de engaà ±ar a los usuarios para que dieran sus contraseà ±as. (The malicious applications were capable of tricking their users into giving up their passwords. Imperfect subjunctive.) à ¡Dà ¡melo ahora! (Give it to me now! Imperative.)
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